
Student services and support programs


​​​​School nurse

Parents will be advised through the school’s newsletter of the actual time of the visit of the School Health Nurse. Staff from Queensland Health Authority are now required to carry out the following procedures:

State Primary Schools

Prep/Year 1

  • Screening of all students in vision, hearing, height and weight, and speech and language development.
  • Observation of gait, behaviour and general demeanour.
  • Other assessment procedures (e.g. fine/gross motor skill assessment) to be carried out as indicated.

Year 6

  • Screening of all students will be carried out in visual acuity and hearing.

In addition, all boys will be screened for colour defect.

Other assessments

Students from any school year who are referred to staff of the Division of Child Health because of suspected health problems will be assessed as dictated by the nature of the problem. Department of Education staff, parents or students (self-referrals) are all appropriate sources of referral.

Dental therapy

The Mobile School Dental Clinic visits the Primary School regularly. Students from age 4 to Year 10 may attend at the clinic, at no expense to parents, during school hours.

This service, with its main thrust towards the prevention of tooth decay, will have a marked effect on the future level of dental health of our children. This school strongly recommends the use of this facility.

The contact number for the clinic is 0412 369 412.


A School chaplain is a safe person for young people to connect with at school and provides a listening ear, caring presence, and a message of hope. Chaplains run positive, fun activities for students and assist in fostering supportive, caring school communities.

Working with other members of the school’s support team, the chaplain cares for students struggling with issues such as difficult relationships with other children or family members, poor self-esteem and family breakdown.

The partnership between the school and the chaplaincy service, supported by local churches, businesses and community organisations, provides a network of local support and assistance. These positive relationships help young people to face difficult issues, and provide hope, connection, meaning, and purpose.

The chaplaincy service is available to everyone in the school community regardless of their religious beliefs.

Chaplaincy services provide spiritual, ethical, and personal support to school communities. SU Qld Chaplains provide positive adult role models for students. Chaplains are present in schools at the invitation of the principal, in consultation with the local community, and with the support of the P&C Association.

Involvement with the chaplain is entirely voluntary. Permission to participate in chaplaincy activities is made on the Religious instruction permission form (PDF, 238 KB).

Who is the Miles State School Chaplain?

Michael Holt is our School Chaplain. 

Michael is at Miles State School on a Tuesday and Friday, and can be contacted through the School office.

Last reviewed 11 March 2025
Last updated 11 March 2025