How does music help us learn?
Music helps with the retrieval of information and memory retention.
When we listen to music, our brains light up like a Christmas Tree as the sound stimulates multiple parts of the brain.
Music can activate parts of the brain that help students shine brighter and become more successful in their learning endeavours.
All Students at Miles State School are offered Classroom Music by Mrs Roxy Bidgood.
Classroom Music is offered on a Monday and Wednesday and includes rhythm, beat and percussion.
Children in Years 4 to 6 are given the opportunity to join the school's Instrumental Program conducted by Ms Emma Butler. The program offers tuition in brass, woodwind and percussion instruments. The duration of a group lesson is half an hour in school time.
Children are able to participate in the Student Resource Scheme which allows parents to pay a small fee to access instrumental music resources as well as the hire of their musical instrument if they do not own one. Details of the 2024 Student Resource Scheme can be found on the following link - 2025 SRS Program (PDF - 335kb). For more information about the Student Resource Scheme, contact the School Office on 4628 0333.